Despite the great English victories at Crécy, Poitiers and Agincourt, the French eventually triu...
HK$160.0 HK$136.6
The battle of the Wabash, or St Clair’s Defeat, was the greatest ever victory of American India...
HK$160.0 HK$136.6
Plataea was one of the biggest and most important land battles of pre-20th century history. Close...
HK$160.0 HK$136.6
Operation Pointblank was the code name for the United States Army Air Force’s attempt to destro...
HK$160.0 HK$136.6
Although the Alllies captured Antwerp in September 1944, the port itself could not be opened due ...
HK$160.0 HK$136.6
When the Romans occupied the southern half of Britain in AD 43, the Iceni tribe quickly allied th...
HK$160.0 HK$136.6
The break of the German battleship Bismarck into the North Atlantic in May 1941 was one of the mo...
HK$160.0 HK$136.6
With the wars between the US and the Native Americans drawing to a close, one tribe in Eastern Or...
HK$160.0 HK$136.6
On the night of 1 August 1798 a British fleet under the command of Rear-Admiral Horatio Nelson me...
HK$160.0 HK$136.6
In March 1944 the Japanese Army launched Operation U-Go, an attack on Assam in India intended to ...
HK$160.0 HK$136.6
In less than one day, the might of the Imperial Japanese Navy was destroyed and four of her great...
HK$160.0 HK$136.6
At 0310 hours on 7 June 1917, the pre-dawn gloom on the Western Front was shattered by the ‘pil...
HK$160.0 HK$136.6
In AD 77, Roman forces under Agricola marched into the northern reaches of Britain in an attempt ...
HK$160.0 HK$136.6
In 480 BC, the Greek and Persian fleets met in a battle in the strait between Attica and the isla...
HK$160.0 HK$136.6
The evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) from Dunkirk is one of the most dramatic ...
HK$160.0 HK$136.6
From his seat in Xanadu, the great Mongol Emperor of China, Kubla Khan, had long plotted an invas...
HK$160.0 HK$136.6
Following the lightening destruction of the Egyptian forces at the outbreak of the Six Day War, I...
HK$160.0 HK$136.6
Following the execution of King Charles I in January 1649, the English Parliament saw their oppor...
HK$160.0 HK$136.6
In May 1967, Egypt expelled the United Nations peacekeeping forces stationed in the Sinai desert ...
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In 32 BC, the Roman Republic descended into civil war between the forces of the Octavian in the w...
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