Teutoburg Forest AD 9

銷售價︰ HK$160.0 HK$136.6
品 牌︰  Osprey Publishing
型 號︰  OSP CAM228
庫存狀態︰  有庫存
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‘Quintilius Varus, give me back my legions!’ supposedly yelled Augustus Caesar when he received the news of the disaster in the Teutoburg Forest. One of the greatest military disasters of the Roman Empire, Teutoburg Forest witnessed the near-total annihilation of three Roman legions at the hands of the German barbarians led by their Roman-educated chief Arminius. Michael McNally tells the complete story of the disaster, supported by the incredible artwork of Peter Dennis.

  • Introduction
  • Chronology
  • The opposing commanders
  • The opposing armies
  • The opposing plans
  • The campaign
  • The aftermath
  • The battlefield today
  • Bibliography
  • Index



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